Hier veröffentlichen wir zum Thema ‘anonyme Geburt’ relevante Publikationen für GynäkologInnen, Hebammen und fachlich Interessierte.
Bonnet C. Description clinique et accompagnement pluridisciplinaire du déni de grossesse. Sages-femmes2021; 20(2):10-5.
Bonnet C. Clinical description and multidisciplinary support for pregnancy denial. Sages-femmes2021; 20(2):10-5.
The 2021 prize for the best training article for midwives from Health professions press and publishing union (Speps) was awarded to Sages-femmes for this article.
Abstract :
The prenatal period is an essential time to allow women who have experienced pregnancy denial to be supported by a multidisciplinary team, particularly in order to understand the meaning of their denial. This support requires systematic questions to be asked about the previous history of abuse in order to free the baby from memories of traumatic experiences. The aim is to protect the baby from the risks of morbidity, mortality, violence or neglect at birth and afterwards.
Homicide During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period in the United States, 2018–2019
The new debate on access to origins for children born in anonymity and those born by donations of gametes should not hide the fact that there are two levels of secrecy: that of the design mode, easy to solve, and that of the identity of the donors of life, different according to these two situations and with particular stakes in the case of anonymous birth.
Anonyme Geburt schützt Neugeborene und Gebärende
Warum entbinden Frauen anonym? Catherine Bonnet
Consequences of unwanted childbirth: Abstract eines Vortrages von Catherine Bonnet
Drei Studien:
- Catherine Bonnet, 1993: Adoption at birth: prevention against abandonment or neonaticide.
- Catherine Villeneuve-Gokalp, 2007-2009, Institut national d’études démographiques, Paris: Etude sur les mères de naissance qui demandent le secret de leur identité lors de leur accouchement / Women who give birth “secretly” in France
- Joelle Coutinho, Claudia Krell, 2011, Deutsches Jugendinstitut e. V: Fallzahlen, Angebote, Kontexte : Anonyme Geburt und Babyklappen in Deutschland
Profils de femmes à l’heure de l’abandon, Charlotte Roman (auf Französisch)